Thursday, October 12, 2023

Stand By

You can stand by and watch ?
But how can you stand by and watch

You can't stand by and watch
Beings starving for food
Animals thirsting for water
Birds with chopped off wings
Pets let off on the roads
Wildlife with no home.

You can't stand by and watch
Stones thrown at women
Girls paraded naked
Bullets piercing children
People dying on the road
Reputations of people blown
Victims torn in grief.

You can't stand by and watch
Worthless people doing things
Politicians without ethics
Judges without integrity
Teachers without commitment
Doctors without passion.

You can't stand by and watch
Men without chivalry
Women worn off dignity
Children torn of innocence
The weak denied rights
People downright humiliated.

How can you stand by and watch
How can I stand by and watch
Without hands tied, tongues free
But how can we all stand by and watch
And do just nothing.